Looking for an opportunity to get some experience or interested in some part-time or full-time work. Fastrak Solutions often is in the need of designers and marketers to work on a contact basis. We also often have positions that will help up and coming designers and marketers gain experience in a practical setting. Below are postions that we may have a need for. If you are interested, please forward your information so that we will have it on file.
Web Designer - Familiarity with Joomla and WordPress. All designs are responsive. Must be able to design with SEO in mind. Ability to work independently and manage deadlines.
Social Media Specialist - Proven work experience executing social media strategy and campaign management, Experience, including but not limited to: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, and more. Experience managing paid social media advertising campaigns through social media advertising platforms. Ability to work independently and manage multiple projects and deadlines simultaneously.